Sean Macaskill
Sean has worked as an award-winning business advisor, project manager and social entrepreneur for over 15 years. In this time, he has worked with hundreds of organisations of all sizes, including well-known UK wide charities, universities, and local and national governments.
He is both autistic and ADHD and had a late-in-life diagnosis for both. He is a community activist, a native Scot that grew up in the north of England and a passionate changemaker.
Leila Talmadge
Leila is an artist and designer specialising in interiors and graphics. She has a keen interest in branding, creating clear identities and colourful interiors that are both enjoyable and inspirational. Her project management skills have been at the forefront of her work over the last 15 years, with a close eye on the details of any given project.
Born in London but now based in Glasgow, she was the Chair to the Board of Trustees of a National Children’s Charity for over 10 years, so has a strong desire to support social enterprise projects that encourage diversity and inclusion.
Leila is both autistic and dyslexic.